2017 Early Math Symposium
Math Festival Materials

Bubble Activities
Build It Clues
Cuisenaire Rods
Cuisenaire Rod Orange Rod Activity (pdf)
Cuisenaire Rod Staircase Blackline Version (pdf)
Cuisenaire Rod Staircase (pdf)
Domino Activities
Domino Hill Directions and Diagram(pdf)
Dough Activities
Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (pdf)
Math Games and Challenges
Card Patterns in Math Festival Format (pdf)
Number Labels
Rainbow One Through Six Circles (pdf)
Rainbow One Through Six with Dots (pdf)
Rainbow One Through Six without Dots (pdf)
Rainbow One Through Six Word (pdf)
Rainbow Seven Through Twelve Circles (pdf)
Rainbow Seven Through Twelve Dots (pdf)
Rainbow Seven Through Twelve without Dots (pdf)
Rainbow Seven Through Twelve Words (pdf)
Rainbow Seven Through Twelve (pdf)
Pattern Block Activities
Pentomino Activities
Pentomino Partner Directions (pdf)
Pentomino Solitaire Directions (pdf)
Pentominoes Introduction (pdf)
Sorting Activities
Sorting Sheet - Heavy, Light(pdf)
Sorting Sheet - Short, Long (pdf)
Sorting Sheet - Small, Medium, Large (pdf)
Tin Foil Boats
Tin Foil Boats - These Be the Rules (pdf)
Which One Doesn't Belong
Which One Doesn't Belong - Blank (pdf)
Which One Doesn't Belong - Coins for Table (pdF)
Which One Doesn't Belong - Dice One (pdf)
Which One Doesn't Belong - For Symposium Lunch (pdf)
Which One Doesn't Belong - Time and Clocks (pdf)
Which One Doesn't Belong - Directions (pdf)

Tangram Activities
Directions for Grandfather Tang's Story (pdf)
Grandfather Tang's Story All Animals Broken (pdf)
Grandfather Tang's Story All Animals Solid (pdf)
Instructions without Outline (pdf)
Grandfather Tang's Animals Broken
Grandfather Tang's Animals Solid
Make a Shape
Tangram Images Broken
Tangram Images Solid
Tangram Numbers Broken
Tangram Numbers Solid
Tangram Shapes Broken
Tangram Shapes Solid
If you're interested in hosting your own math event check out this blog for ideas, suggestions, and more!