Begin at the Beginning: UDL with Infants & Toddlers
Set your program up for all children from the start! Universal Design is intended to make an environment welcoming, accessible, and appropriate for all. Learn how Universal Design for Learning applies to the youngest learners and strategies to use to promote belonging through representation, action, and engagement.
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Linda Brault
Linda Brault is a Project Director at WestEd. Ms. Brault is the director of Supporting Inclusive Early Learning: Working Together for Inclusion & Belonging which includes three statewide training projects: Beginning Together: Caring for Young Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings, California’s MAP to Inclusion & Belonging and the CA Teaching Pyramid all funded by the California Department of Social Services. The training projects focus on supporting early care and education providers as they include children with disabilities or challenging behavior. Ms. Brault has published articles and books on challenging behavior, best practices, inclusion, transition, and parenting experiences. She conducts workshops and training series on the topics of young children with challenging behaviors, inclusion of young children, legal requirements in early intervention/early childhood special education, and transition between early intervention and special education. Prior to directing projects, Ms. Brault was an early childhood special education teacher for more than eighteen years. She has also taught at community colleges and state universities.