Bringing Language & Math Instruction Together: How best to support young Dual Language Learners in their mathematical journey.
The challenge of teaching math to dual language learners lies not only in making math lessons comprehensible to students but also in ensuring that students have the language needed to understand instruction and express their grasp of math concepts. During this session we will explore how best to support young dual language learners in their mathematical journey. Participants will gain practical ideas about how to focus on mathematics concepts while also addressing academic language that is specific to mathematics.
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Rebeca Itzkowich, MS, was a preschool and primary grade teacher in Spain, Mexico and New York city for 10 years. For the past 20 years, she has worked with both pre-service and in-service teachers to help them rediscover themselves as learners, understand the unique needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, deepen their mathematics content and pedagogical knowledge, and learn to become reflective practitioners so they can bring the joy and rigor of genuine learning into their classrooms.
Rebecca Itzkowich
Jill Sapoznick, MS, is a Math Coach and Professional Development Facilitator with Erikson’s Early Math Collaborative, where she works on a variety of projects coaching and supporting teachers in public schools and Head Start programs. Previously, she worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Costa Rica where her interest and enthusiasm for education began. While working as a public school bilingual kindergarten teacher, Jill earned her master’s degree in education from Pepperdine University. She has worked in public education for more than two decades with an emphasis on bilingual education in the early elementary years.