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Great Graphs and Smart Charts:
Pre-K to Grade 3
To better understand their world, young children need to know about data and statistics. Not the data of Wall Street or the statistics of the universe, but information about their own lives and the things that interest them. When data is collected, organized, and made into graphs and charts, it becomes more readily understandable. When these displays are enhanced by other visual information, they become dynamic.
In this session, participants will learn about the attributes of four basic graphs: Bar Graphs, Pictographs, Pie Charts, and Line Graphs and how to create them. Examples of authentic graphing projects created by teachers working with their students will be shown and explained.
Join us as we show how to bring statistics to life.
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Stuart is the author of the Show and Tell! Great Graphs and Smart Charts: An Introduction to Infographics, which has been named one of the top 2023 STEM books for young children. He is also the author of the award-winning MathStart series, 63 children’s books that present mathematical concepts in the context of stories for Pre-K through Grade 4. Additionally, he is the author of Stuart J. Murphy’s I SEE I LEARN, a 16-book series of storybooks for children in Pre-K through Grade 1 that focus on social, emotional, health and safety, and cognitive skills. Stuart is on the authorship team of enVisionMATH, a comprehensive elementary school mathematics program, a frequent presenter at educational conferences, and an advocate of helping children develop their visual learning skills to become more successful students.
Stuart J. Murphy
Jon Dueck helps coordinate the California Early Math Initiative as a part of the Fresno County Early Care & Education Team. Jon works with teachers and administrators to build programs that promote a worthwhile and optimistic view of math and science, and help show families and the community that math is all around us. As a part of the CA Early Math Initiative, he co-leads the site, coaches preschool and primary teachers, and supports community math events. Jon leads STEM initiatives in the region while supporting schools and districts with comprehensive math program tools. Jon has spoken at local, state-wide, and international conferences about building strong math understanding and deepening math concepts in daily math lessons. He has worked in preschools, TK-12 schools and at the secondary level. Jon enjoys talking about numbers with young children.

Jonathan Dueck