Introduction to Family Child Care at Its Best: Building Numeracy Skills and Beyond
Family child care and family, friend, and neighbor providers are critical sources of support for working families. The Family Child Care at Its Best program delivers high-quality, research-based workshops that help home-based caregivers improve their knowledge, skills, and quality of care for working with mixed-age groups of children. In this session, we will explore highlights from the Family Child Care at Its Best "Building Numeracy Skills and Beyond" workshop. Participants will examine ways to provide a rich math environment for all children, and gain techniques that build developmentally appropriate math knowledge and skills in early childhood.
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Krista Murphy is a Senior Research Associate and Project Director for Family Child Care at Its Best, at WestEd. Krista has over 25 years of experience in early childhood education, including teaching infants through second grade, preschool administration, coaching, developing, and administrating a county QRIS system to support family child care and center-based programs. Currently, Krista develops and administers online and in-person professional development for California's early learning and care system.
Krista Murphy
Monica Hernandez is an experienced trainer, coach, and instructor. She holds over 15 years of experience teaching adults in training series for WestEd PITC RSN Program. Facilitate several workshops at The Family Child Care at It’s the Best (FCCB)WestEd. She has taught adults from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in bilingual settings. Primarily working with Family Child Care Providers and Center-Based Programs in Los Angeles County.
Her professional knowledge also includes conducting presentations at the CAAEYC Conference 2015, and the 2022 PACE 46th Annual Education Conference 2016, at Ontario Convention Center. Additionally, she facilitated Infant/Toddler Social Emotional Seminar at Long Beach Unified School District-Head Start Program. In recent years, she has taught the PITC Infant Toddler Development Courses targeting Family Child Care Providers with EHS FCC Partners. Recently, Monica participated in the PITC Curriculum Pilot. A year later, she attended the trainers of trainers in the PITC Curriculum self-study, successfully gaining her authorization process. In her vast experience, Monica has worked directly with young children from birth to five years old supporting their developmental needs. As well as getting familiar with ECERS and FCERS tools.

Monica Hernandez
Cori Schmidt is an Infant/Toddler Specialist for the Program for Infant Toddler Care, Regional Support Network (PITC RSN), and an Instructor for Family Child Care at It’s Best (FCCB). She provides training and technical assistance to support the quality improvement of care provided to infants and toddlers in centers, family childcare homes, and family, friend, and neighbor contexts throughout Fresno County.
Schmidt has a varied background in the field of education, including teaching in a multiple-subject 8th-grade public school classroom, administering a mini-grant program for providers of early childhood education, directing an infant/toddler early education center, and mentoring program directors through the process to become accredited with the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Schmidt’s education includes a Bachelor of Science in Child Development, Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, and certification as a PITC Trainer.
Cori Schmidt