Numeral Cards
Here are a few FUN ideas to help your child write numerals:
Spread sand or glitter in a tray; have your child write each numeral 0-9.
Using the numeral cards included below, have your child glue yarn onto the form of the numeral; alternatives: glitter, string, cotton wool, or small rocks.
Use pipe cleaners, modeling dough, or clay to form the numerals.
Use finger paint to write the numerals on giant paper.
Use a large paint brush and water to paint the numerals
on the sidewalk or driveway.
Trace each numeral on sand paper and have your child cut
them out and glue them on larger paper. Your child can
outline each numeral with brightly colored markers.
Spread shaving cream on a plate or tray and have your
child write each numeral with their finger in the shaving
Read a math-y story out loud (for example Ten Eggs in a Nest by Marilyn Sadler) and when you read a number, have the child write the number on paper.
Make pancakes in the shape of the numerals.

More Activities, Resources, and Templates: