Growing math minds... Changing math mindsets
The Spring STEAM Seminar Registration is now open! Register HERE!
Power Up Place Value!
Build on what young children know about counting to develop place value understanding in ways that support our youngest learners! Examine students' thinking through videos and student work to understand how children’s place value understanding grows over time. Discuss ways to support students to develop a deep and connected understanding of place value, share their ideas, and engage with others’ ideas. Consider possible next steps for using what you learned about student thinking as you plan for next year.
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Presentation PowerPoint
Christine Roberts
Christine serves as a Program Manager for California Education Partners where she supports districts in Preschool to 3rd Grade Coherence Collaborations for Mathematics. She works with districts to support their continuous improvement efforts and develop coherent systems to support California’s youngest learners. She serves as a coach for district teams, mathematics education specialist, and knowledge broker to help accelerate and sustain district efforts. During her 18 years in public education, Christine served as an elementary school teacher, middle school mathematics teacher, mathematics staff development and curriculum specialist, and the director of a Networked Improvement Community.
Christine is currently working on her doctorate in Education at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests focus on educator collaboration and system-wide approaches to improving mathematics teaching and learning. Throughout her career, Christine has seen the power of collaboration to strengthen relationships and transform mathematics teaching leading to improved outcomes for students.
Stephanie serves as a District Mathematics Coach in Dinuba Unified supporting Transitional Kindergarten through 4th grade. She works with teachers across the six elementary schools to support their work engaging all children in rich, meaningful math experiences and to elicit and leverage the amazing math thinking all children bring to our classrooms.
For the past several years, she has been working closely with grades TK-2 to explore the power of Counting Collections to support young mathematicians as they build on and expand their understanding of counting and our number system.
Stephanie Ahumada