Ramps and Rollers
Using everyday materials, we'll playfully experiment with ramps and rolling objects. We'll become familiar with the phenomenon of rolling, explore how small changes affect the way objects roll, modify rolling objects, and test ideas. We'll see how ramps and rolling objects spark children's interest in tinkering and investigation.
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Carolyn Pfister is an education administrator for the California State Board of Education and coordinator of the Early Math Project. Her interests include family and community engagement, advocacy for early math, and developing resources that promote children’s mathematical development. Prior to her involvement with the Early Math Project, Carolyn taught elementary and middle school math and was the principal of a K-8 Montessori School.
Carolyn Pfister
Haley Gordon is an Associate Governmental Program Analyst at the California State Board of Education and a team member of the Early Math Project. She received her bachelor’s degree from San Francisco State University. After college, she spent a year teaching high school students overseas in France. Prior to her current role, she worked in the education department of the French Embassy in Washington D.C. Haley enjoys creating resources that are fun and that encourage family engagement in math.
Haley Gordon

As a Child Development Consultant with First 5 California, I serve in the Early Learning Programs and Partnerships Office. The focus of my duties includes providing training and technical assistance to early educators that promote quality environments, and meaningful interactions, and build family engagement for the diverse populations of children birth thru five across California. Prior to joining First 5 California, I was a Program Officer at SETA Head Start in Sacramento, overseeing the staff and educational operations of 13 early learning centers. I hold a Masters of Arts in Education degree, with a focus on Human Development from CSUS (Go, Hornets!) and have over 30 years of experience as a teacher, coach, and trainer in the early childhood education field.
Dana McVey
Makenna Huey is currently a manager in the Charter Schools Division at the California Department of Education. Prior to moving to the Charter Schools Division, Makenna served as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst in the department’s Early Learning and Care Division where she collected and maintained data of the state's child care agencies. Her work experience prior to joining the state includes serving as a preschool teacher in Davis as well as serving as a child care provider in afterschool recreation programs in both Davis and Sacramento. Makenna has a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development from the University of California, Davis, and a Master’s degree in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University.

Makenna Huey

Naomi Reeley has been involved with the Early Math Project since June 2019 when she started as an intern. Naomi is now the Program Speclialist for the Early Math Initiative. Naomi joined the team in hopes of developing and promoting resources for the project that would encourage family engagement in mathematics. Naomi is particularly interested in promoting ways to include math in daily routines by providing tips and suggestions about everyday activities. She finds it very important to create resources that are engaging, fun, and informational in order to build a child’s confidence and comfortability in math.
Naomi Reeley
Heather McClellan-Brandusa, Child Development Consultant, Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) of the California Department of Social Services and acts as the Infant and Toddler specialist for quality improvement activities involving infant and toddler care and working on contracts providing training, resources, and publications regarding infant/toddler care, family child care, family engagement, inclusion, and early math. McClellan-Brandusa has been involved in early education for more than 21 years, and prior to entering state service, she served as an infant/toddler care provider working in center-based, family child care, and home-based programs, as an internal monitor for Head Start/Early Head Start, and as an Early Head Start administrator. McClellan-Brandusa holds a BA in child development from California State University, Sacramento with an emphasis in Infant and Toddler care, and an MS in special education from National University, Sacramento.

Heather McClellan-Brandusa