What’s the Big Idea?
Foundational Math for 3-to-6-year-olds
Explore Erikson Institute’s top 5 big ideas of early math and think about how adults can engage preschoolers and kindergarteners in the math all around them. Participants will have fun with math and get ideas for sharing the joy.
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Lisa Ginet, EdD, is the director of Erikson’s Early Math Collaborative. She has spent more than three decades as an educator in various roles: classroom teacher, child care provider, parent educator, home visitor, teacher trainer, and college faculty. She has worked in diverse settings, from child care homes and centers to elementary and middle schools to community colleges and private universities. She has taught mathematics to children from infancy to middle school and to adults in college classes and workshops.
Lisa Ginet
Joanna Skourletos, MSEd, is a doctoral student in the hybrid Child Developmentprogram between Erikson Institute and Loyola University. She joined the Early Math Collaborative (EMC) in Fall 2018 as a doctoral research fellow. For research, she is currently working with a team to develop a tool for evaluating quality math interactions in preschool classrooms. In addition to her research, Joanna is also a math coach and professional development facilitator on the Collaborative Math project. Before joining the EMC, Joanna was a preschool teacher in HeadStart programs for several years and then served as the Educational Manager for a HeadStart agency.